This tape was found by authorities in a Sony 8mm video camera with "Columbine High School" engraved on the side (evidence item #200). The Columbine Basement Tapes - Everything you need to know about them Columbine Video Archives 25.7K subscribers Subscribe 5.4K 240K views 4 years ago TWITTER. He says its a drawing of gear, back when we thought we could get calicos. He then points to a picture that depicts two backpacks labeled napalm. He calls this the suicide plan., Video screengrabHarris & Klebold Hitman video screengrab. Although theres evidence Nixon directed his plumbers to commit crimes and evidence he tried to cover-up his administrations role in the Watergate break-in, no ones ever found concrete evidence proving Nixon ordered the June 1972 break-in at the Watergate. Everyone I love, Im really sorry about all this. I wish that it was the law that presidential meetings had to be tape recorded, Hughes says. Cookie Notice While some critics of the NRA claim that the organization is beholden to the firearms industry, NRA leaders on the call claimed the opposite that the industry was ready and willing to follow their lead. There were no classified documents at all at Brookings, said Morton Halperin, a former Brookings employee, in a 1997 Washington Post article. Evidence Vols. A while back, "Bill Ockham" posted a document containing a detailed transcript of the "Basement Tapes" with dialogue not previously released to the public. I could have blamed them and been the national hero! I've always wondered this,the Nixon tape doesn't really make sense. I cant help it. Huh thats a good question Ive never thought about where they were found, only what they contained. She has generally been straight with me." Thank you for your submission to r/Columbine! He takes a small drink and tries not to Press J to jump to the feed. Nixon refused, and Jaworski appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to force Nixon to turn over the tapes. . Im sorry, all right. When hes done Eric moves to sit in another recliner with the bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, and his sawed-off shotgun named Arlene on his lap. Around the same time, leaders discussed how to respond to the shooting at Columbine High School in nearby Littleton, Colo. More than 20 years later, NPR has obtained secret recordings of those conversations. There are several bags on the floor, including a large maroon one. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. A subreddit focused on constructive discussion to better understand the events that took place surrounding the mass shooting at Columbine High School on April 20th, 1999. The language was Nixon language.. That's why revisiting the Nixon tapes and learning what is new on them is of real importance today. Implement it, Nixon said, referring to a secret plan to expand government burglary and wiretapping. He claimed that it was an intensive investigation but came up empty. Like in this exchange: MAKRIS: Jim, let me ask you a question. However, at the time of the erasure (probably the Fall of 1973 . "[20], In his 2014 book The Nixon Defense, Nixon's counsel John Dean suggests that the full collection of recordings now available "largely answer the questions regarding what was known by the White House about the reasons for the break-in and bugging at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, as well as what was erased during the infamous 18 minute and 30 second gap during the June 20, 1972, conversation and why. "Screw the insurance," says Hammer. On it, Nixon and H. R. Haldeman are heard formulating a plan to block investigations by having the CIA falsely claim to the FBI that national security was involved. hide caption. What? LAPIERRE: Do you think they have a preference, Jim? He talks about specific people he will kill. They're just waiting to know. ", Over the next two decades, this unapologetic message would come to define the NRA's tone in the wake of mass shootings at American schools. They suggest that their story should be made into a film, speculating on whether Steven Spielberg or Quentin Tarantino would direct it. "You have to go forward," she says. Nixon made this callous statement after the National Prayer Breakfast in February 1972, while talking to Chief of Staff Haldeman and Reverend Billy Graham about the Vietnam War. What's the industry going to do? He didn't get a lot of sleep last night, if any. In 2006, Jefferson Country Sherriff Ted Mink was told by the courts that he was now allowed to release the remaining footage should he want to, but he ultimately declined to do so, fearing that some troubled youths may be inspired by the recordings. Some 3,000 hours of secret tapes from President Nixon have been released, but only a small percentage has been published. Don't forget in the audio of brooks browns 911 call he names 3 potential suspects; Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and a redacted name. In many ways, Nixon exaggerated what the Kennedys did But at the same time, President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy did approve wiretaps of Martin Luther KingJr. which certainly was not justified, and was an abuse of governmental power.. This page is focused on the tragedy as well as its perpetrators so we can try to better understand the psychology and motives behind this horrific event. . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This led to an exodus of some half a million members a number that has never been reported prior to now. [citation needed], On July 11, 2007, the National Archives was granted official control of the previously privately operated Richard Nixon Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California. 10k Lead Tracking. Press J to jump to the feed. All link / image posts require a submission comment to try and start a discussion. That was a pure creation of mythology. Good-bye. So much uncertainty floating around. "Bombthreat before she blows" coincidence. I specifically remember reading something about the tapes being found in Erics closet with the word CLUE written on the door/above it. Instead, he released 949 pages of previously unreleased documents on the case, including in-depth transcripts for all of the "Basement Tapes," confirming rumors about the previously released footage. Over the next four decades, the Nixon Library and the National Archives released 3,000 hours of tape that it considers in the public interest, holding back the rest for family privacy or national security concerns. Article regarding and confirming the destruction of the Basement tapes. Time wrote about the videos and CNN has a voluminous record of Columbine reporting. What should be said; is that in the police report from what i remember, there were acctually more explosives recovered from Dylans house than Erics. Share to Twitter. And in those private moments, the NRA considered a strikingly more sympathetic posture toward mass shootings than the uncompromising stance it has taken publicly in the decades since, even considering a $1 million fund to care for the victims. The camera then cuts out and back in, still showing Harris holding the guns, but in different clothing. Blow the safe and get it.. For the duration of the phone call, about five minutes, she kept her foot on the device's pedal, causing a five-minute portion of the tape to be rerecorded. Its about a half an hour before our little judgment day. The ten Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who had voted against impeachment in committee announced that they would now vote for impeachment once the matter reached the House floor. Columbine Shooting Police Audio, Channel 1 Tape 1; Part two. RC. Special Counsel Archibald Cox, a former United States Solicitor General under President John F. Kennedy, asked District Court Judge John Sirica to subpoena nine relevant tapes to confirm the testimony of White House Counsel John Dean. One recorder, labeled as Exhibit 60, was marked "Secret Service" and the other, Exhibit 60B, was accompanied by a foot pedal. The transcripts are also part of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office official Columbine report, so they are public. CNN has obtained an audio tape of Harris and Klebold from a court hearing they attended last year, and CNN's Tony Clark speaks to the judge about the boys (April 27 . He had a few reflections to add to his audio memoirs. Around the same time, leaders discussed how to respond to the shooting at Columbine High School in nearby Littleton, Colo. More than 20 years later, NPR has obtained secret recordings of those conversations. It wouldnt have been too bad, Nixon guessed. They talk some more about various things before the camera once again cuts out. And in fact, the report Nixon was so concerned about doesnt seem to have existed. Does that look bad, or does it look uh MAKRIS: Well, I mean, that can be twisted too. Just after the deadly shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, gun control advocates rallied at the Colorado State Capitol to protest the NRA's annual meeting that year in Denver. 40:19. On April 20th, 1999, two students attending Columbine High School, Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold, went to their school and killed fourteen students (including themselves) and one teacher, and injured many others. It was called the Nixon tape because the tape had an old label on it ("Nixon" written on it) because it was recorded over an old school interview that Eric did with a Asian guy named Nixon (some with insights into asian names and culture have doubted that being the correct spelling of the asian guy's name though). "The fruitcakes are going to show up. House Committee on Un-American Activities. Its the letters CHS along with a drawing of a bomb with a lit fuse and, in bold black letters, the word clue., Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold: The Basement Tapes, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Reaching for the Uher 5000 stop button, she said that she mistakenly hit the button next to it, the record button. "[23], A variety of suggestions have been made as to who could have erased the tape. Finally, they talk about how they wanted copies of their videos to be sent to four news networks before Harris briefly references his journal. This page has been accessed 73,573 times. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. An in-depth transcript of evidence item #333, courtesy of ", Says Hammer: "If you pull down the exhibit hall, that's not going to leave anything for the media except the members meeting, and you're going to have the wackos with all kinds of crazy resolutions, with all kinds of, of dressing like a bunch of hillbillies and idiots. Parties and banquets were planned even an appearance by a comedian. 11K Witness Testimony. Hes wearing a plaid shirt, either dark blue or black with white; the shirts untucked. All the planning was done,the VHS tapes recorded,the plans set,NBK delayed by a day because of Manes failure to turn up with extra ammunition in time for monday 19th,the original date. [3] The system was turned off on July 18, 1973, two days after it became public knowledge as a result of the U.S. Senate Watergate Committee hearings. She tells LaPierre that even if they don't lose money, they would lose face if they canceled. BAKER: No. Wiki Page:;_1999) A week before that bombing, the NRA put out a fundraising letter calling the ATF "jackbooted government thugs," and after the bombing, LaPierre had defended this rhetoric. But he also knew that this would probably hurt his reelection chances in 1972which is why he delayed withdrawal until 1973. Robert Delfay was the head of an industry trade group. Murderous Minds: Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris - Columbine High School Shooting Documentary. Camp David Recordings: Tape #s 130 - 244. He was the . [49] The facility now houses the tapes and periodically releases additional tapes to the public that are available online and in the public domain.[50][51]. "Everything we do here has a downside," NRA official Kayne Robinson says on the tapes. The tape then stops once more, before cutting back to a closeup of Harris' face; he is now alone and begins to talk about his family, apologizing for the agony that he knew the coming events would put them through and telling them that it was not their fault. They attempted to use bombs on themselves as much as anybody else. In the mean time, please check out our Rules section as well as our Resources pages! [37], Sirica, acting on a request from Jaworski, issued a subpoena for the tapes of 64 presidential conversations to use as evidence in the criminal cases against indicted former Nixon administration officials. ", Charlton Heston, then the NRA's president, delivered a defiant message at the organization's 1999 meeting: "Why us? FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Everywhere else it said it was a civic. Tick, tick, tick, tick . [5] Nixon's refusal of a congressional subpoena to release the tapes was the basis for an article of impeachment against Nixon, and led to his subsequent resignation on August 9, 1974. Kissinger responded that the Indians are bastards anyway, and agreed that Gandhi was a bitch. A little later, Nixon added, we really slobbered over the old witch.. Klebold says, Weve been planning this for over eight months., Then tape then cuts to Harris in his bedroom speaking into the camera. The panel determined that the buzz was of no consequence and that the gap was the result of an erasure[27] performed on the Exhibit 60 recorder. In Nixons view the Kennedys, both John and Robert, got away with abuses of power that Nixon could not get away with, Hughes says. In December 1999, Time . If we have a fuc*ing religious war or oil or anything. More than 20 were injured. An overview of the history of the "Basement Tapes," courtesy of Go ahead and change the gun laws. And again it seems to me you don't understand how to play the game. After the leak of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, he became convinced that that leak was part of a conspiracy that was going to leak his own secrets., In response to this conspiracy, Nixon created a counter conspiracy of his own, Hughes continues. And don't worry, I won't delete this content in 24 hours. They ponder if the police will watch the entire footage of the tapes, then suggest that the authorities would probably slice the footage up, omitting certain parts to convey a specific image of the killers, twisting their words so to speak. the so-called Milk Fund and Watergate trials. hide caption. [16] Nixon appointed Leon Jaworski special counsel on November 1, 1973. I know my mom and dad will be just like just fucking shocked beyond belief. Klebold: Hey mom. Its at once hard to imagine this took place but can be imagined visually by reading the descriptive transcripts. Lead Investigator Kate Battan told me there is nothing else significant on it. .. Dylan takes the camera then and begins filming Eric. "Why us? White House lawyers first heard of the gap on the evening of November 14, 1973, and Judge Sirica, who had issued the subpoenas for the tapes, was not told until November 21, after the president's attorneys had decided that there was "no innocent explanation" they could offer. Sheriff Ted Mink chose no. Great question, honestly. "[24] Others have suggested that Haig was involved in deliberately erasing the tapes with Nixon's involvement, or that the erasure was conducted by a White House lawyer. Charlton Heston (left), then president of the NRA, meets with fellow leaders Wayne LaPierre (far right) and Jim Baker (center) on April 30, 1999, ahead of the NRA's annual meeting in Denver. Kevin Moloney/Getty Images These home videos are what nightmares are made of and tragically, visual documentation of what Columbine High School mass murderers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold would do on April 20, 1999. They go on to talk about how they hate all races: ni**ers, spi*s, Jews, fuc*ing whites. They also mention enemies that abused them and friends who didnt do enough to defend them. Yet even though its all out there now, only a small percentage of those tapes have ever been transcribed or published. The tape then ends.[3]. Publication date 2019-01-22 Topics Columbine, Columbine Massacre, Columbine High Massacre, Columbine High School Massacre, Columbine Shooting, Columbine High Shooting, Columbine High School Shooting, Dylan Klebold Language English. [10] Hundreds of hours are of discussions on foreign policy, including planning for the 1972 Nixon visit to China and subsequent visit to the Soviet Union. The NRA considered other options as well, as illustrated by this exchange: NRA OFFICIAL KAYNE ROBINSON: Is there something concrete that we can offer? At the end of the document was a partial transcript of the "Nixon Tape," but only the portion of the interview Eric had with Nixon. "It will be a day that will be remembered forever."[p.337]. This is why I've always been more interested in hearing Eric's 'Nixon' tape than seeing/hearing the basement tapes. The transcript is around 1500 words longer than what was released by Peter Langman. A subreddit focused on constructive discussion to better understand the events that took place surrounding the mass shooting at Columbine High School on April 20th, 1999. Eric laid a micro-cassette on the kitchen counter with some final thoughts."[][p.41]. According to Haig, the president was "spectacularly inept" at understanding and operating mechanical devices, and in the course of reviewing the tape in question, he may have caused the erasures by fumbling with the recorder's controls, though Haig could not say whether the erasures had occurred inadvertently or intentionally. [3] According to his Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, Nixon ordered the system removed, but during the first two years of his presidency he came to the conclusion (after trying other means) that audio recordings were the only way to ensure a full and faithful account of conversations and decisions. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Tips (Interviews) 3. Any information I receive regarding this case will be published with source approval and will not be retracted on a whim. Read many questions regarding the tapes, but never even considered how they where discovered. The point u mentioned about eric jokingly mocking his parents' cluelessness about what he was doing confirms they knew nothing. [1], However, in February 2015, word surfaced that the unreleased tapes had been approved for destruction by Sheriff Ted Mink of Jefferson County, Colorado in 2011. To protect our source and in keeping with prior practice, we did not provide the tape. Also, does anyone know if the tapes where labeled? Indira Gandhi and Nixon talking at the White House, 1971. -We know Eric saw a psychiatrist and was prescribed antidepressants.-We know Eric's dad caught him with a pipe bomb and just made him detonate it.-We know the gun store called Eric's home phone to let him know his "ammunition was ready" and Wayne flippantly dismissed them saying he didn't order any.And we know that on the day of the attack Wayne called 911 almost immediately saying, "I think my son might be involved!" Is that the family??? Videos Of Eric and Dylan Before Columbine. The Basement Tapes (partially found Columbine killers video diary; 1999), Evidence item #265 (One 8mm tape, recorded mid-March 1999), Evidence item #298 (Two 8mm tapes, one recorded April 11th, 1999, one date unknown), Evidence item #333 (One 8mm tape, recorded late March to April 20th, 1999), Lost advertising and interstitial material. The camera then cuts out and back into the two once again driving, revealing that they had just purchased two large fuel containers, as well as three propane bottles. For more information, please see our (sorry but as a car guy i find that interesting), there are photos of the car maybe u can determine what it is exactly, I checked out the pics and home video. [22], In a grand-jury interview in 1975, Nixon said that he initially believed that only four minutes of the tape were missing. [3] Three months later, microphones were added to President Nixon's private office in the Old Executive Office Building and the following year microphones were installed in the presidential lodge at Camp David. But so too are the journals of the teenage killers. [21], Woods was asked to demonstrate the position in which she was sitting when the accident occurred. Share via email. [4], The tapes' existence came to light during the Watergate scandal of 1973 and 1974, when the system was mentioned during the televised testimony of White House aide Alexander Butterfield before the U.S. Senate Watergate Committee.
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