Even by something as small as a cold. Thank You! It steals everything from us including everything that makes us who we are the things we love about ourselves and then it takes our very last breathe before we even know how far gone we are. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. The would cut and bag their heroin. I wasnt even sure where to post this comment but whatever. If you'd like to see more pictures of her I recommend these tumblr or facebook sites. Another thing that saddens me is that she had to live in a nursing home with elderly people when she was only in her mid-20s. For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. Mad Season. Being involved in the music scene, where there tends to be a lot of substance use? Read that on someones Pinterest. Thanks for your compassion. Demri Parrott (born Demri Lara Murphy on February - Demri Lara Parrott The opposite was true for so many other women in a similar position/relationship in Seattle at that time. I dont think you can get shorter from heroin abuse Im not sure though, from what I know the only way to actually get shorter is from getting old, and thats because you will slowly lose the cephalorraquid liquid thats between every vertebra (I dont know how to say that in english lol, the vertebras are the little bones that form the column), but maybe affected his posture like you said Liz still there are a whole bunch of other side and long term effects, Ive read that heroin is the most addictive opiate right after desomorphine (its like heroin little cousin only nastier), and its getting pretty big un Rusia, Ucrain, and starting to come to my country, too. Demri Lara Parrott on Instagram: "Demri's obituary. If you have a Demri and Layne were awesome people who had a fatal disease but that did not make them bad people. I can only imagine what the music, art and fashion industries would be like today if they had both survived their addictions. Shadows of their former selves and it happens faster then you know unless youve seen it happen before then you know exactly what I mean. We would all just hang out and go to shows and play around. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . People around the world come here to share informations and curiosities and read stories about people you love so much. No problem. The next year they got invited to play Unplugged and did a couple of songs for a movie and then Demri died in October and Layne kindof shut himself off. I started to dislike him then. One Day Ay A Time. If it is truth you have lost more than your Demi but a sibling with a D too. Bigs hugs! Covers. Personally I see it as a travesty that she has managed to get her name linked with Layne forever in some kind of tragic love story. Please let them know that they are being thought about, and prayed for, and wishes for a Happy Christmas. I know it can be a struggle to help drug addicts. But it is possible with hard work and TIME. She also has Demris engagement ring that Layne gave her. Demri Parrott was buried at the Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA. In no way did I mean to upset anyone on this site. We need to find a way to unite and help our sons, daughters, friends, lovers, entertainers. Born Demri Lara Parrott on 22nd February, 1969 . I have IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so I shouldnt be taking anything, but the pain is so bad. Sadly, Demri passed away in 1996 of endocarditis caused by her drug use. Thank you for this website and your time. For all the site! Also what things happen on the drugs in question that makes dating not realistic. Layne apparently adored her; he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. watch?v=dBZm-_6Qa3k Xana La Fuente, if youre reading this, I just want to tell you that I find you so inspiring too. Someone who took many drugs, uppers, downers,narcotics, yet she always tried to better herself, in acting, in life. Or did he just appear that way because of being really thin and probably feeling sick a lot? Allowing us insight into lives cut short and giving it all up ugly or beautiful for us to learn. No one had a bad thing to say about her and honestly believe shes in that extreme minority of human beings that are inherently and intrinsically GOOD people. Makes me scared to have children. I am very sorry about your lossI hate cancer and congrats on doing good, keep strong. Love to you all, from Scotland I had read that Jack had her on tape at one of his photo shoots. I love this picture of Dem.. her hair.. her style..her attitude and her smile.. everything that made her Demri is in this picture. It was supposedly him who reconnected once she became ill. She suffered a lot in life, from around 1993 (I think) until her death in 1996, she was in and out of hospital constantly. I have nooo clue i would never have imagined in a million years Id be doing what Im doing today if I was asked back thenI have 3 kids.. Barbara, I know exactly what he was feeling like I felt it every day I had to go to work sick or living to get high. Thank you Ana and yes addiction destroys your body Thank you for bringing that up. I was the only one with a real job and I should have been saving to travel but spent it on making Andy look amazing and it irks me to think someone is claiming to have made his hats! She wanted the 27 club, and she got it, much to everyone who loved her, bringing them such sorrow. From what Ive read, she was disliked by many people in Laynes life (and vice versa) because they viewed her as a bad influence, and she knew this. Amen. We all were our suing a buzz in those days and the idea was to just be careful. I remember I was shooting video for Nancy at one of those tributes five years ago -shooting man on the street interviews outside, and Mike pulled up in a limo and talked to some of us , and we chatted but he was high as a kite. I remember Johnny being the same way. I know many Alice In Chains fans dislike her because she got Layne into heroin. I didnt know any of these. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, and loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, write poetry and play in front of the camera. We are all human. Late 96, Demri started backsliding and this was around when I finally met her. Aic. There are similar pics of Erin Everly & Axl Rose back in the day, to Layne & Demri. Im just happy more people came out and started to share pictures of her. My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. I remember also reading that Layne took Andys death badly. Marilyn Monroe. Hey Barb if Dem were alive today, what do you think shed be doing? I know he blamed himself for Demri dying we all played the should a, could a, wouldda tape in our head. To clarify Demri was in the hospital at least 13 times I know of each time 2-4 months from 93 to 96 which didnt leave much time for her to get in trouble. When I spoke to Layne I was pissed off and crying, and told him what was going on at the house, but he pretty much already knew. *sigh*. Layne, I was yours for the asking, but you never asked. There are also the addicts who just seem to overdose all the time and I dont know if their bodies are not built to handle it or what but theres always that girl or that guy that no one wants to get high around or with because they know they might end up giving them CPR by the end of the night and let me tell you when you have someones life in YOUR hands thats traumatizing. It will take a different catalyst for every addict to finally take that leap off the cliff and get helpsome will need to be love bombed, some will need tough love jail is not the answer but ALL will need the help of people who understand them and wont judge them and a very strong and loving support system, also time away from their old friends, sometimes family and the places theyve used in is crucial and they all need to want it at least enough to try it one day and then hopefully one more day and they will need to learn new tools to cope with their new reality and how to live their new life clean without the old faithful emotional and physical buffer of opiates. LoveRats 11:31 PM 11-24-2010 Demri Parrott was former ex-girlfriend of singer Layne Staley from Alice in Chains. Do not let it get YOU! Like you said Barbara some things sound partially right. It was YOUR take on Demri and it made me think about my take on them as well. Although she went to rehab several times, it didnt work to her, and sometimes had to turn to theft and prostitution to get some money for the drugs. Demri died on Oct. 29th of 96 of a heroin overdose. Revisit the final painful interview of Layne Staley - Far Out Magazine No that is not true I come here today, Oct 30 to pay my respects because Oct 29th I didnt forget but rather I was being told after fighting cancer for 6 long years that the cancer had returned and given results of my scansit is now in my ovary, uterus, also back into breast and 2 lumps one blocking a duct in the breastso basically I was trying to take in that I dont have much longer to live and what I will need to do as far as my kids, etcbut still within 24hrs I came to pay my respectsjust because someone doesnt post on a site on a certain date doesnt mean that the person is still not remembered. I have noticed that Layne is very tall, upright in his earlier career. She was only 27. Hope the families will at some point be more forthcoming as well. Now I dont have to worry about that anymore. Consider yourself having a friend in Iceland from now on. Im so glad to see the people who are able to look past her addiction because obviously there was so much more to her. Lanegan was struggling to quit heroin and I would swear to this day that hes here because of Layne. Mad Season was an American rock super group formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene (Layne was the lead singer with Pearl Jams guitarist Mike McCready, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders). Their own Children, Parents, best friends, partners and lovers do not usually stand a chance against it. This page is the FamousFix profile for Demri Parrott. Why do you think it is so hard to stop? RIP Layne, Demri, Mike, rosheen, Andrew, Chris, and everyone else who left this life untimely. 1st I was not talking to you! What does that tell you? I had a rule for my comments if more then one link was added to a comment then it would be held for moderation.. this is to stop people from posting spam comments with links to their websites.. From the time I bought Facelift (14 then), until Laynes deathand to the present. SomeoneI dont want to say whobrought him some heroin because they couldnt find any coke. That Jerry just wanted to keep Layne well so he could keep the band together. He seemed to think that because he never shot heroin he was better than Layne. I dont know why I chose here, maybe I need to vent or maybe I just want to share a little bit of the truth as I perceived it. I think there are clues around us every day of something more and that when we die were NOT gone forever so I will continue to believe that something happens I just dont know what it is yet. Those pictures are breathtaking. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver He was getting more and more into one of his favorite hobbies too, which was anime (which he helped get me into. Apparently she made friends with some of the elderly people and used to make them laugh. So, anyway, the point to me leaving a comment is to say that I just read Layne Staley, Born again by Adriana Rubio. Marilyn Monroe. But not anymore. Im sure if I did I would snatch it up with excitement in my heart and then eventually growl under my breathe a little and put it back.. who knows though I might buy it. Poor girl. by someone I never knew. Great work and it happens faster than you know and very few actually survive this mistake. A google search for Demri and Layne brought me here at last. I think about 95% of it had to do with shame over what he had become. I remember sitting in my room in Iceland in the early 90s, listening to all the grunge bands thinking Man..Id like to be able to live in the smack dab middle of all this madness, be chilling in Seattle with likeminded folks. They both deserved better. It was even sadder when we found out Mike Starr was the last to see him and saw that he was in troublebut Layne wouldnt let Mike call 911now hes dead, too. Finally, best of luck if you write a book Muself, I would love to produce a film documenting all of this. If your brain and body like it your brain and your body will talk you into trying it again.. and again and before you know itand pretty soon you cant stop itand even if your brain and your body agree with your heartdrug addiction is cunning. There was nothing about her that was so special that it would have stood out all on its own. You are not invincible and you cant just experiment with Heroin. In spite of all the rumors he WAS clean. If people only knew how stuck in grief I was for YEARS and today I still miss them all but I dont break down crying anymore. I know we all hear this and we all have been told over and over to stay away from drugs but I wish I could drill it into kids heads who might consider trying it. However they clearly adored each other and this is why they remain such a large part of each others legacy. That being said im not a crazed obsessed fan but I am aware of Demri and read her story through Barbara and Darin about 10 years ago right after my heroin addiction started. . I have been to many drug places. Now whether or not Layne ever knew just how much I liked him, I dont know, but Demri knew. Was it a physical predisposition to everything out there? He was not her boyfriend he was older than her parents, but he was in love with her and thought the were going to get married. Then I went back to Houston, where I was working at a nightclub, and the phone rang in the office. Buttino also said Jesse Holt - who declined to be interviewed for this book - had to boost the level on Layne's vocals in the 1997 version . on drugs. Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. and yeah, Jerry writes beautiful music as well as Layne did..also, can someone confirm me if Layne did live with Mark Laneganfinding it a bit strange, dunno..ive read some of Lanegans interviews where it says that aroun 98 he mostly lived around L.A, just moved therewhatever, and by the way, Im also a big Nirvana fan, can you Barbara or someone here confirm me if Kurt Cobain was friends with Layne? About. Demri Parrott died on October 29, 1996, due to an infection (bacterium) that led to death, due to the use of drugs (sharing a dirty syringe / needle). I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. Thanks for keeping this site up. So crazy cool and I know youd agreeor I wouldnt of told my stories or shared your pictures. Because it does and these beautiful people have created this place for dialogue. I guess anyone could do the research and read all the interviews and maybe even talk to the people who knew them but no one is going to get it completely right. Certain parts of this story are definitely true. There is a girl in the right hand corner, she turns right then left while looking behind her. Dave. 1 person I know said he came by their house in Seattle and wanted them to come to his car to see if this girl O.D.d. Anyway sorry I could not be more helpful. People call to make sure they are listed in the Thank Yous on an album. Build your family tree online . Pictorials. However, their addictions caused damage to the relationship and they broke off their engagement. I love it! Demri was born in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, in the United States of America's Pacific Northwest. So that would be nice. I honestly hope so but if not.. no judgment here just love and understanding. If boundaries are established upfront, some of these issues can be avoided. Layne dated pornstar Tera Patrick in the 90s (she said so in her biography, she was 17 and worked as a model at the time) and also Simone Starr Farrow, the australian model (and then drug dealer). When I called Christy about Demris Wake she asked what happened because Demri had just been there Monday night, which was the 28th which matched with Tom. Hearing how so many of your friends relapsed makes it obvious just how addicting heroin is and how strong of a grip it has. Someone in his life thought that was enabling Layne and suggested Johnny move out.I cant remember who it was (maybe Nancy?) Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. I was anonymous when I knew Layne and there were lots of reasons for that. Miss Layne so much. My daughter was actually a big reason why I fell into darkness because her mom was making my life miserable and it made me feel absolutely worthless and then I would get high bc then I wouldnt think about it. Because that is not my story it is theirs.. even if I was a part of their story and they a part of mine. She was human. Pinterest. If people wanted to not just voice their opinion and get their hands dirty they could have, they chose not to and got jealous of the ones that did. We tried to before but couldnt really connect with Nancy- too much focus on Laynes addiction and Heroin, and yknow there was a lot more to those times than just that. She is too tall.. too lean wrong body type.. cant see her face.. wrong hair.. wrong clothes.. just not her. I respect that. but I cant help but wonder if he had stayed living there, if things wouldve been a lot better for Layne He wouldve have isolated himself in his ivory tower and died the way he did. Demri Lara PARROTT Left this world October 29, 1996; born in Bremerton, Wa, on Feb 22, 1969 and attended school in Arlington. that doesnt makes us bad people! Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. It floods your brains receptors with nothing but the good feeling chemicals and then when you try to say OK, Im done Ive had enough..Well, too badbecause your body and your brain will fight and lie to you..Just one more time it will sayyoull promise yourself over and over.. until you eventually just give up and cant fight it anymore because you get so violently sick. That doesnt mean I dont care that just means I wasnt aware. In the position he was in, its probably the only way he couldve had a lasting relationship. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. I love this site and thanks Barbara for all the work you put into it. View the latest Demri Parrott photos. If I worked at Microsoft and went to Rehab I guarantee my coworkers wouldnt be coming to hash out work problems. Staley's girlfriend, Demri Lara Parrott, started shooting smack and Alice in Chains got famous. She once called herself an alien waiting for a ride home., Around 97, Layne had moved to the U Dist.