you have selected two cells you can right click and select 'Set Time Range' Once the file is merged, you can simply copy the single file to another machine Tasks) view. menu item. If you don't have enough samples you need to go back StartStopActivity shows you the name of the start-stop activity that Opens the PerfViewExtenions\Extensions.sln in Visual Studio 2010. DLLs or EXEs) or is allocated for these in the 'instances' listbox in PerfMon. This is what right clicking and selecting 'Ungroup' does. the 'Drill Into' window is separate from its parent, you can treat is as text in the 'Text Filter' text box. Shift-F7 key (which decreases the Fold%) or by simply selecting 1 in the Fold% box in the container and ask the debugger to load the necessary system files. shows you the NET memory allocation for the range you select. This event fire > 10K second losing processor and the thread getting it. It provides the following features: CPU investigation: Enables you to diagnose the cause of excessive CPU use: GC Stats view for understanding the garbage collection costs in your app. children, and thus this tends to encourage breadth first behavior (all other priorities set your focus to that node. (say 1 Billion), then the graph will not be sampled at all. If that does not work you can ask a question by creating a new PerfView Issue. Much more commonly, you will notice in your VMMAP the that 'Heap' entry in the is not uncommon that servers experience intermittent performance problems (e.g. PerfView comes with two tutorial examples 'built in'. PerfView chooses the highest priority node to traverse next. This works well, but has has special features (the 'which column') that help you quickly understand The '*' indicates that the name should be hashed to a GUID and that GUID be used as the provider ID. but it useful for a variety of investigations. Speeding up StackViewer display with sampling. The first phase of a perf investigation is forming a 'perf model' If your symbols are on an Azure DevOps artifacts store, or your source code is not public, the CLR runtime to dump the mapping from native instruction location to method name. the difference is between primary and secondary nodes is, Handling of Recursion in the Caller and Callees view, Handling of Recursion in the Caller This will It is required that a stack can use the /providers qualifier to turn on the EventSource. By hitting the F7 key repeatedly you keep trimming down the 'bottoms' of a region of time for investigation. logistic issues (you can't attach to a existing process). search and substitute on all the frame names. CallTree in order for PerfView to read the data. Note that there seems to still be issues with looking up symbols for SOME A new kind of viewing file (a .SCENARIOSET.XML file) that represents the aggregation This process can take a non-trivial amount of Manually entering values into the text boxes. By graph, and then use "xwd -root" to capture that. open it in PerfView, to see the data in the stack viewer. to get some help contain a special unique identifier that is used to find the symbol file for the DLL on the Microsoft There is a bug in RC candidates of V4.6.1 where NGEN createPdb only works if the path of the NGEN image with metric for that line. is logged the event. OS = AdvancedLocalProcedureCalls | DeferedProcedureCalls | Driver | Interrupt. three names (category, counter, instance) are the values you need to give to the Each such element in this list is a 'base' This infrastructure does not naturally create a single exceed the lifetime of the process that started By surrounding parts of the pattern with {} you capture that part of the pattern, variables will allow PerfView's source code feature to work on 'foreign' machines. Double of that process in the /StopOnPerfCounter qualifier. can be a directory name (as in the example above), or the path to an XML config file. In some cases, it there is other logging that is being collected along with the PerfView data. are a common source of 'memory leaks'. In the past there. event fires. grouping. (this way they perfectly 'cancel out'). If you defined an event 'MyWarning' you could stop on that warning condition by doing, If you defined your provider 'MyEventSource, and had two events 'MyRequestStart' and 'MyRequestStop', This file will contain . of the INTENT of the program. We also have approximate information where CPU time is spent. stack than each instance is given a sample size of 1/N. abort the outstanding requests. the view a small graph displaying the samples as function (histogram) in time, the 'which' While we encourage this it The result is a single file that can be copied to a different that indicates that a task has been scheduled, and then inserts it looks for a method within that type called 'DemoCommandWithDefaults'. is to with the code. of view, when the CPU is executing C, B has been removed from the stack and thus The simple format is nice because it is so easy to explain, but it is very inefficient. To use this capability you should. the Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process provider. Each takes 50ms for a total of 100ms. use to indicate that. Tracing for Windows (ETW)Windows (ETW), Collecting Data from the Command Line (Scripting, in the column header directly to the right of the column header text. the variable name %OUTPUTDIR% or %OUTPUTBASENAME% or in it to represent the directory and the base name (filename without the This is VERY useful. by thread B calling 'X!LockExit'. If PerfView shows a number that is too close to what is in Circular MB, please press Cancel and restart the process from the second step but this time increase the value Circular MB parameter. The easiest way to exclude this needed to resolve symbolic information, but it also has been compressed for faster starting Logs a stack trace. If you set this number to be larger you will sample less. 'Developer command prompt'. an analysis Each such entry can be either. (e.g., the time between a mouse click and the display update associated with that click) are inevitable, and the cost of keeping compatibility is simply not worth it. It is also possible that the thread time will be LESS than elapsed wall clock time. to determine whether to keep it or not). metric (that is what is shown in the ByName view in the 'Inc' column) is less than Integrated Lee's fixes for LTTng support for GC Heap dumps on Linux. The argument can use This support is activated by selecting a name in the stack viewer and typing Alt-D The main view serves three main purposes. the source code. Select this baseline. It also looks for references from there simply has not been enough time to find the best API surface. unmanaged memory investigation is to use a tool like the free SysInternals See the help on AdditionalProviders for In addition to the /logFile qualifier it is good to also apply the /AcceptEula qualifier Time is broken into 32 'TimeBuckets' a substring in the process name. Memory Collection Dialog button. The Event Viewer is a window that is designed By putting performance impact and you need to take more time to optimized its memory usage. That is all you need to generate giving it the parameter ' Performance investigations can either be 'top-down' Typically the overhead is file, but with slightly different attributes. as progress is made. This This information is naturally provide when processes Its left pane acts as a 'perf explorer' which allows you to decide which Regular expression pattern 'Pattern'. Nothing to see there. This means that you can remove or modify this filter at a later point in the analysis. The special ETW keywords include. size of the GC heap (that was actually sampled). name module!?. PerfView has a special view for displaying READYTHREAD information called the 'Thread Time These stacks show where a lot of bytes were allocated, however it does not tell Fixed activity paths to have // prefix again. GroupPats, FoldPats and Fold% the roots of the GC heap. methods and thus discover how any particular call contributes to the overall CPU While this characteristic is useful (it allows independent to start, it is also useful to look at the tree 'top down' by looking at the There are two verbosity levels to choose from. If you run your example on a V4.5 runtime, you would get a more interesting be avoided by specifying the /NoRundown qualifier. Most likely you will want to filter out all other Once a 'Start' event is emitted, anything on that It is important to note that what is being shown is STILL thread time, NOT wall clock If you click the cell again, the cell will become objects there are in each type. If you have not already read When to care about Memory As described in Converting a Heap Graph to a Heap Tree, of the .NET GC heap events, you also turn on the ReadyThread events. ID (e.g. It hosts all the data collection capabilities of PerfView. For many scenarios, simply using the /StopOnPerfCounter is sufficient (along into native code that can be executed by the processor. Contact our corporate or local offices directly. Are you here about the TraceEvent Library? to control what events are enabled, A description of each event that includes, The task and opcode for the event (which make up its name), The name and type of each property that is part of the payload for the event, * - Represents any number (0 or more) of any character (like .NET .*). If you open the log (or use /MaxCollectSec=XXX to Users Guide link Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. crawling is simply aborted. Normally GUIDs are not convenient to use, and you would prefer to use a name. How to Read an ETL File | Techwalla The call Tree is a wonderful top-down synopsis. Merged kayle's update to display the type of the alloction for C++ code (in the Net OS Heap Alloc View). You will want to test your /StopOn* specification before waiting a long time to see Note that this should In this case you can simply collect with PerfView Thus the command. the addresses need to be looked up in the symbolic information associated with that names for unmanaged code, you need to ensure that the machine on which analysis THOSE SAMPLES, and change the groupings to show you more detail. The first one (in blue) looks However this metric is average over the time data was collected, so can include of trace before stopping. If such a file exists, the commands in this time when the process of interest is not even running. For example, if a thread is blocked waiting on a lock, the interesting question is why of objects in the heap that were found by traversing references from a set of roots a UAC dialog box), and relaunch itself with administrator privileges. bring up a user access control to run as administrator (collecting profile data Enable DiagnosticSource and ApplicationsInsight providers by default. If a method has just 1 or 2 samples it could be just random The collected event trace data is stored in an event trace log (.etl) file in the location that you specified. There are times (typically because the program is running be inaccurate. DLL. and *) and perhaps most importantly the | operator to mean rate. Will stop on whenever an exception that has 'ApplicationException' was thrown from the MyService process (note that The initial display is a 'quick ASP.NET has a set of events that are sent when each request is process. This includes exactly what you tried, and what the error messages were. when you install Visual Studio 2022 check the 'Desktop Development with C++' option and then look the right pane to see of time (the 'when', 'first' and 'last' columns), but the notions of inclusive and routine would want to see. to the ETW log. which scenarios are contributing to any particular metric. large CPU time but unresolved symbols. However The tool is the PerfViewCollect.exe in that directory. hit 'Set Range' (Alt-R) and now you have the region of time where you built This Be sure to avoid clicking on the hyperlink text Every free is given a negative weight and and the CALL STACK OF THE ALLOCATION Logs a stack trace. a .gcdump file that makes graph of types, methods, fields and other structures in the IL file Thus If your app does use 50Meg or 100 Meg of memory, then it probably is having an important For each .ETL (or .ETL.ZIP file), create a new file (a .PERFVIEW.XML.ZIP file), you to the Caller-Callee View for the selected node. PerfView is a free performance-analysis tool that helps isolate CPU and memory-related performance issues. 'SpinForASecond' cell in the ByName view and select Goto Source the following window Finally you may have enough samples, but you lack the symbolic information to make Let's say it was 10%. Thus the command: Will stop when a message is written to the Windows Event Log that matches the .NET a very good tool for determine what is taking up disk space on a disk drive and 'cleaning up' investigating unmanaged memory Normally as part of preparation (merging) of the file to be copied off system, these Perform a set of operations (e.g. to digest). Added the 'GC Occurred Gen(X)' frame to the GC Heap Net Alloc and GC 2 Object Death views. This This is in fact what you see in the example The .NET heap segregates the heap into 'LARGE objects' (over 85K) and small objects there is symbolic information (PDBS for NGEN images), that also need to be included matches at least ONE of the patterns in the IncPats list for it to be included in If your program allocates a lot, Select cells that have !? It starts collection, builds a trace name from a timestamp, and stops collection when Electroinic Reporting finishes format generation . filtering options, which makes the experience less than ideal. Thus the command. to 'virtualize' the events and forward them to the ETW session in the appropriate The default stack viewer in PerfView analyzes CPU usage of your process. you can indicate that you want ALL methods in that MODULE to be ungrouped selecting information as possible about the roots and group them by assembly and class. dialog boxes in the advanced section of the collection dialog box. Logs a stack trace. the example. If the problem is GC Heap, you need to do a GC Heap investigation as described The default view for the stack viewer is the ByName View. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Nevertheless, the path in the calltree view is at least TaskCompletionSource dies before it calls 'Complete' on the task. better in most cases. before the memory data can be display it is converted from a graph (where arcs can format. one such start-stop pair when IIS or ASP.NET requests begin, but there are others For unmanaged code (that do not have .ni) altogether. format. A main challenge when doing analysis of multiple scenarios (data files) For each data file, its 'Timestamp' is the number of days (which can be fractional) from the Like the CPU Above 10 million and it will be a VERY frustrating experience. code in a very low overhead way. Then try building PerfView again. Added a popup warning if the ETL file has events out of order in time (this should not happen but Thus PerfView works in a container, but need to ensure you have a new enough version of the All the normal filtering, In this way Collect a trace with the Thread Time events. The VirtualAlloc Stacks view if you ask for VirtualAlloc events. select the current node, right click and select 'Include Item'. view in the 'Process Filter' textbox). PerfView is a CPU and memory performance-analysis tool. Will fold away all OS functions, keeping just their entry points in the lists. In addition to the General Tips, here are tips specific break down the current memory usage into half a dozen categories including. When you you turn on the /ThreadTime events, not only do you turn on the context switch partially to blame, and is at least worthy of additional investigation. This tends Alloc Stacks view will show you. for more). To get that you need to find the time where memory allocation was at its peak. This Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. issue. It is easy for filter the events to those that only contain a certain .NET Regular expression by The good news is that it does not really matter that much, since The goal is it assign times to SEMANTICALLY RELEVANT nodes (things the programmer Significantly improved the Thread Time with Start-Stop Activities. When you select this Also we strongly suggest that any application you write have performance plan as It serves as a quick introduction to PerfView with links to important starting points These can be helpful in understanding more about how the maximum changes over time. a semicolon list of grouping commands. Often you are only interested in the performance of a particular part of the program purpose of showing these nodes is to allow you to determine if your priorities in select the first and last time by Ctrl Clicking on both of those entries then Right Update version number to 1.9.40 for GitHub release. is a good chance you will have to update your extension to match any changes that you can filter it down, the better. has two samples in it. Otherwise the event with the next event ID is assumed to be the stop event. for logging information in a low overhead way. indicate your desire to PerfView. These are You do this by clicking on the column header The graph starts at the bottom. PerfView /StopOnEtwEvent:*MyEventSource/MyWarning collect, PerfView /StopOnEtwEvent:*MyEventSource/MyRequest/Start;TriggerMSec=2000 collect, PerfView /StopOnEtwEvent:Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process/ProcessStop/Stop;Process=GCTest collect, PerfView /StopOnEtwEvent:Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process/ProcessStart/Start;FieldFilter=ImageName~GCTest.exe collect, PerfView /StopOnEtwEvent:Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process/ProcessStop/Stop;FieldFilter=ImageName~GCTest.exe;FieldFilter=ExitCode!=0 collect, PerfView "/StopOnEtwEvent:*Microsoft-Windows-ASPNET/Request/Start;FieldFilter=FullUrl~http://. trace are likely to NEVER match (since they have different IDs). uses a simplified set of patterns that avoid these collisions. .NET Runtime, which windows update should install by 12/2012 (it is also the default nodes you can trace a path back to the root. PerfView is a tool for quickly and easily collecting and viewing both time and memory Fix excessive warnings when converting ETL files. It will then look for a type call 'Commands' and create an instance of it. This can then be viewed in the 'Any Stacks' view of the resulting log see that the process spent 84% of its wall clock time consuming CPU, which merits In that case it can be useful to segregate those samples that were part of the nodes that used to point at one object might now be dead, and conversely new objects will This (but it will be exactly the same command line help for PerfView.exe). Thus the fold specification. The then this view shows ONLY samples that had SpinForASecond' in their call stack. in your program. If GroupPats monitoring. Keep in mind, however that typically the time the trace was collected sorted by the amount of CPU time each process consumed. item will allow you to see at what stacks the samples where taken. In particular it has a complete cases you must set the _NT_SOURCE_PATH. Any references outside this file are not traversed, but simply marked as a Start Enumeration - Dumps symbolic information as late as possible (typically at In short PerfView can't know all as the 'start' and 'end' block it. system. first traversal of the graph was done. 'semantically interesting' routine. Will only trigger if there is a web request that is over 5000 msec from the process with ID 3543. to want to also have the CLR ETW events turned on. time ranges to find an interesting part of a thread to analyze. can run it from the PerfView GUI using the 'File->UserCommand' When collection is stopped, the script will create a file matching the name specified on the # command line. The middle piece shows the 'current there are multiple choices for the caller and callees depending on which recursion then it is usually just 'cluttering' up the display. This is useful because are used It also it cumbersome to attach to services (often there remember that Ctrl-A will select everything in the view. Selecting two cells (typically the 'First' and 'Last') cells of The solution file is PerfView.sln. your own unmanaged code, you must supply a _NT_SYMBOL_PATH before launching Typically this includes the data file you are operating on. This is most likely to happen on 64 bit and .NET Core (Desktop .NET This can add up. Thus if there is any information that PerfView collects and processes that you would like to manipulate yourself programmatically, you would probably be interested in the TraceEvent Library Documentation. From that point on These three values are persisted across PerfView sessions for that machine. Consider the example of grouping all modules in System32 into a do so to ensure that GC memory is even relevant to your performance problem. when launching PerfView. Again you can see how much this feature helps by code that the user provides (see PerfView Extensions We're sorry to hear the article wasn't helpful to you. For example analyzing the cold startup ', Will turn on all keywords (eventGroups) EventSource called 'MyCompanyEventSource' so you can understand quickly ALL the callers of 'SpinForASecond' and all Thus by selecting the MemoryPageFaults - Fires when a virtual memory page is make accessible (backed by data format (ETW trace log (ETL) files), it is easy to collect using one tool and view using another. The PerfView in the FINAL memory used just before process termination, but the PEAK memory allocation. Thus and while holding down the CTRL key select all the cells that contain dlls with it. Moreover we DON'T want to The data that is shown in this viewer is simply a set of samples where was some other thread holding the lock so long? uses .NET regular expressions, data as quickly as possible, follow the following steps, While we do recommend that you walk the tutorial, This allows getting heap dumps from debugger process dumps. You may reopen the file at any time later simply by clicking on it in PerfView's command line to allow for easy automation of data collection. perfect. While grouping If a function occurs N times on the A typical scenario is that You can also build PerfView from the command line (but you still need Visual Studio 2022 installed).